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Enterprise Inventory (Erl)

How can services be delivered to maximize recomposition?

Enterprise Inventory


Delivering services independently via different project teams across an enterprise establishes a constant risk of producing inconsistent service and architecture implementations, compromising recomposition opportunities.


Services for multiple solutions can be designed for delivery within a standardized, enterprise-wide inventory architecture wherein they can be freely and repeatedly recomposed.


The enterprise service inventory is ideally modeled in advance, and enterprise-wide standards are applied to services delivered by different project teams.


Significant upfront analysis is required to define an enterprise inventory blueprint and numerous organizational impacts result from the subsequent governance requirements.


Enterprise, Inventory

Enterprise Inventory: An enterprise service inventory establishes an enterprise-wide architectural boundary that promotes native interoperability and recomposition among all services.An enterprise service inventory establishes an enterprise-wide architectural boundary that promotes native interoperability and recomposition among all services. SOA Certified Professional (SOACP) Module 4: Fundamental SOA Analysis & Modeling with Services & Microservices

This pattern is covered in SOACP Module 4: Fundamental SOA Analysis & Modeling with Services & Microservices.

For more information regarding the SOA Certified Pofessional (SOACP) curriculum,

SOA Design Patterns

This page contains excerpts from:

SOA Design Patterns by Thomas Erl

(ISBN: 0136135161, Hardcover, Full-Color, 400+ Illustrations, 865 pages)

For more information about this book, visit