Cloud Computing Patterns, Mechanisms > Data Management and Storage Device Patterns > Cloud Storage Device Path Masking
Cloud Storage Device Path Masking (Cope, Erl)
How can data stored on a cloud storage device be isolated to specific consumers via certain pathways?

Cloud consumers can access cloud storage devices via alternative pathways that can compromise data security and integrity.
A solution is implemented at the hypervisor layer or physical server layer to limit access and utilization of certain available paths.
The storage path masking mechanism is deployed inside the hypervisor or operating system installed on the physical server.
Compound Patterns
Burst In, Burst Out to Private Cloud, Burst Out to Public Cloud, Cloud Authentication, Cloud Balancing, Elastic Environment, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Isolated Trust Boundary, Multitenant Environment, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Resilient Environment, Resource Workload Management, Secure Burst Out to Private Cloud/Public Cloud, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

A storage path masking mechanism hides two of the previously visible paths to Hypervisor B.
This pattern is covered in CCP Module 14: Advanced Cloud Storage.
For more information regarding the Cloud Certified Professional (CCP) curriculum, visit
The architectural model upon which this design pattern is based is further covered in:
Cloud Computing Design Patterns by Thomas Erl, Robert Cope, Amin Naserpour
(ISBN: 9780133858563, Hardcover, ~ 528 pages)
For more information about this book, visit