Microservice and Containerization Patterns > Base Deployment Patterns > Dedicated Microservice Database
Dedicated Microservice Database (Erl, Naserpour)
How can a microservice have access to required data without having to compete with other microservices or consumer programs?

The microservice is provided with its own database implementation that resides within the microservice deployment environment. Access to the database is limited to the microservice only.

Microservices are deployed in their own isolation boundary with their own databases.
The dedicated database is deployed local to the microservice, within its isolation boundary. This enables the microservice to access it with complete independence. The relationship between the microservice and any other external databases is maintained and implemented via published APIs.
This pattern can be applied using one of several pre-defined autonomy levels, as explained in the complete pattern description.
This pattern is covered in Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization..
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