Microservice Patterns | Design Patterns | Workload Distribution

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Workload Distribution (Erl, Naserpour)

How can microservice over-utilization be avoided?

Workload Distribution


Microservices subjected to high volumes of concurrent usage can suffer degraded performance, reduced availability and reliability, and can become susceptible to overall failure.


The microservice is horizontally scaled and a load balancing system is used to distribute runtime workloads across multiple IT resources.


Load balancing technology is incorporated into the microservice deployment architecture and configured with appropriate load balancing algorithms to ensure effective workload distribution.

The microservice is horizontally scaled via the addition of one or more identical microservices and a load balancing system further extends the deployment architecture to provide runtime logic capable of evenly distributing the workload across.

Workload Distribution: A redundant copy of Microservice A is implemented on Physical Server B. The load balancer intercepts the service consumer requests and directs them to both Physical Server A and B to ensure even distribution of the workload. 

A redundant copy of Microservice A is implemented on Physical Server B. The load balancer intercepts the service consumer requests and directs them to both Physical Server A and B to ensure even distribution of the workload.

This pattern can be applied via the use of a load balancer, as explained in the complete pattern description.

Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization.

This pattern is covered in Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization..

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