Blockchain Patterns, Mechanisms, Models, Metrics > Scalability and Reliability Patterns > Guaranteed Minimum Full Nodes
Guaranteed Minimum Full Nodes (Erl, Naserpour)
How can a blockchain application avoid risking the loss or unavailability of the complete distributed ledger?
Because only full nodes retain the full copy of the distributed ledger, when the quantity of active full nodes is unreasonably low, the integrity and reliability of the blockchain application and its network can be in danger.
A system is established whereby the number of active and available full nodes is constantly monitored and new full nodes are automatically generated to maintain desired thresholds.
The node monitor is implemented to monitor active full nodes and it is designed to invoke an automated node deployer to create new full nodes, as required.
Consensus Processor, Node Monitor, Automated Node Deployer, Node Placement Monitor
The node monitor invokes the automated node deployer to generate two new full nodes in order for the total quantity of active full nodes to be above the minimum threshold requirement.
This pattern is covered in Blockchain Module 2: Blockchain Technology & Architecture.
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