Cloud Computing Patterns | Design Patterns | Multi-Container Isolation Control

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Multi-Container Isolation Control (Erl, Naserpour)

How can the isolation level required by different cloud services in containers be met?

Multi-Container Isolation Control


Cloud service deployments may end up residing in containers that have specific deployment location requirements that, when not adhered to, can cause conflicts and runtime processing problems.


A control mechanism is used to dictate where each cloud service or container can or cannot be deployed, based on pre-defined rules. Often factors, such as performance, licensing, governance and regulatory requirements are the basis of these rules.


The control mechanism is created by defining affinity and anti-affinity rules and enforcing them at runtime. The control mechanism can comprise multiple rulesets and can be applied to a single cloud service or container and a single or multiple hosts, or a combination of different cloud services, containers and hosts.

Multi-Container Isolation Control: Containers A and B need to be isolated on two different physical hosts.

Containers A and B need to be isolated on two different physical hosts.

CCP Module 5: advanced-cloud-architecture title=

This pattern is covered in CCP Module 5: Advanced Cloud Architecture.

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