Cloud Computing Patterns, Mechanisms > Containerization Patterns > Container Chain
Container Chain (Erl, Naserpour)
How can containerized cloud services with scheduling requirements be coordinated to ensure they are powered on and off in the correct sequence?

Business automation logic, state data requirements and infrastructure requirements may demand that cloud services and their underlying resources be powered on and off in a specific order. Customizing this type of operational scheduling logic is complex and impractical, yet not having a pre-defined order can result in a variety of problems, including corrupted state data.
The containerized cloud services are deployed in a pod through which operational scheduling logic can be defined and maintained.
The operational scheduling logic is pre-defined in a chain configuration that enables containers to be powered on and off within the pod. Various chaining scenarios are supported, including the option of having cloud services powered on and off independently of a chain.
Compound Patterns
Burst In, Burst Out to Private Cloud, Burst Out to Public Cloud, Cloud Authentication, Cloud Balancing, Elastic Environment, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Isolated Trust Boundary, Multitenant Environment, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Resilient Environment, Resource Workload Management, Secure Burst Out to Private Cloud/Public Cloud, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

A pre-scheduled start-up order of Cloud Service A and its components.
This pattern is covered in CCP Module 4: Fundamental Cloud Architecture.
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