Blockchain Patterns, Mechanisms, Models, Metrics > Mechanisms > Node Placement Monitor
Node Placement Monitor
A blockchain network may have nodes that reside in a range of geographic locations. The node placement monitor mechanism collects information about the location of each node, such as its IP address, for the purpose of determining where it is located.
The node placement monitor makes the geographical information for each node available to the blockchain network and application. This data can be used to create and maintain a map of the network or for auditing purposes.
The node placement monitor identifies the location of each node on the network.
The node placement monitor also keeps information about nodes that are not currently active. This enables mapped views of both active and inactive nodes. The node placement monitor can further be customized to act upon geographic data it collects.
Functions that the node placement monitor can perform include:
- keeping track of the number of nodes on the network in specific regions
- requesting that nodes be moved via the live node migrator mechanism from one region to another
The data collected by this monitor may be used to actively restrict nodes from disallowed regions or to assess the risk level of the network, such as when too many full nodes are located in a region vulnerable to natural disasters.
This pattern is covered in Blockchain Module 2: Blockchain Technology & Architecture.
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