Cloud Computing Patterns | Design Patterns | Volatile Configuration

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Volatile Configuration (Erl, Naserpour)

How can a container adapt to the unpredictable usage requirements of the cloud service it is hosting?

Volatile Configuration


When a cloud service scales in, out, up or down in response to runtime usage fluctuations, its underlying container may not be able to keep up and may therefore be subject to runtime exception conditions.


System mechanisms are utilized to keep the container’s configuration in sync with the potentially volatile runtime conditions of its hosted cloud service.


A monitoring mechanism is used to keep track of runtime conditions and a configuration writer mechanism is used to continually update the container’s configuration in response to reported runtime conditions.

Volatile Configuration : The container configuration writer is notified of the need to scale out the container to facilitate the creation of two additional instances of Cloud Service A.

The container configuration writer is notified of the need to scale out the container to facilitate the creation of two additional instances of Cloud Service A.

CCP Module 5: advanced-cloud-architecture title=

This pattern is covered in CCP Module 5: Advanced Cloud Architecture.

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