Microservice and Containerization Patterns > Base Deployment Patterns > Container Sidecar
Container Sidecar (Erl, Naserpour)
How can microservices efficiently interact with required utility components and services?

The microservice and the utility components are deployed into separate containers on the same underlying host. The container used to host the utility components is referred to as the sidecar. If runtime exceptions occur in the sidecar, they do not cascade over to the microservice deployment.
Microservice A and the set of utility components are isolated from each other on separate containers and hosted on the same Virtual Machine A.
This pattern can be applied to enable the microservice and sidecar to share resources, such as filesystems, as explained in the complete pattern description.
This pattern is covered in Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization..
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visit the Microservice Architect Certification program page..