Blockchain Patterns, Mechanisms, Models, Metrics > Integrity and Validation Patterns > Block Validation Consensus
Block Validation Consensus
How can a block of data be comprehensively validated prior to being permanently written to the distributed ledger?
If invalid data is permanently and immutably stored in a distributed ledger, it can severely compromise the integrity of the entire blockchain application and the confidence of its users.
A formal and thorough validation process is carried out by multiple nodes before submitted data records are approved for insertion into the distributed ledger.
A consensus algorithm is chosen and implemented via the consensus processor to carry out the process of validating blocks.
User A submits a block to be added to Blockchain A. The consensus algorithm is carried out by multiple nodes and during the validation process it is determined that the block is valid. The block is resultantly added to Blockchain A and written to the distributed ledger.
This pattern is covered in Blockchain Module 2: Blockchain Technology & Architecture.
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