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Redundant Implementation (Erl, Naserpour)

How can the reliability and availability of a microservice be increased?

Redundant Implementation


A microservice that is being actively used introduces a potential single point of failure that may jeopardize the reliability of all solution instances in which it participates if an unexpected error condition occurs.


Microservice deployments can be redundantly implemented or implemented with failover support.


The same microservice implementation is redundantly deployed or supported by infrastructure with redundancy features.

Multiple implementations of microservice deployments with high usage requirements or providing critical functionality can be created to better guarantee high performance, availability and increased reliability, even when unexpected exceptions or outages occur.

Redundant Implementation: Having redundant implementations of microservices provides fail-over protection should any one implementation go down.

Having redundant implementations of microservices provides fail-over protection should any one implementation go down.

This pattern can be applied in different ways, depending on how microservices are redundantly deployed, as explained in the complete pattern description.

Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization.

This pattern is covered in Module 10: Advanced Microservice Architecture & Containerization..

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